¿Cuál de estas frases no es cita de un artículo en estudios sociales? La solución

Hace unos días reproduje, traducidas, doce citas textuales de sendas publicaciones en estudios sociales. Entre ellas colé una de mi cosecha, totalmente inventada. A continuación pongo las citas originales en inglés junto con el enlace a la publicación, para que se puedan comprobar. Todas ellas llegan vía New Real Peer Review @RealPeerReview, una cuenta de tuiter dedicada a dar a conocer estos y otros disparates que aparecen con demasiada frecuencia en estudios sociales y de género:

1. 13 dancers exemplify how seeing can be deliberately used to expand the sense of their body-space and thereby to affect the spatiality of the fields of their embodied interaction.


2. The jokes made about social workers reflect a profession under attack, and the humour and jokes made by social workers reveal the desire to convey their humanity and to create relationships.


3. The paper contributes to literature on the sonic and mobile makings of landscape, in particular that which has called for a critical phenomenological approach concerned with the social, cultural and political dimensions of embodied engagements with landscape practice.


4. Crosswalks in crowded intersections present a field of study in which the appropriation of space is expressed and reproduced. We show how the dynamics and embodiment of gendered individuals engaged in the act of crossing reflect the patriarchal structures of the society as a whole.

5. It also points to conflicts of acoustical agency as constituting a major source of tension between prisoners. Understanding the ways in which acoustical agency is exercised in the prison setting is shown to be integral to comprehending the experience of imprisonment and the complexity of social interaction inside prisons.


6. Drawing on animal studies approaches, it argues that the programme (The Supervet) foregrounds the humans rather than the animals, and, in its focus on surgery, legitimizes humans’ dominance of other species.


7. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork at a mall in Buenos Aires, this paper attends to this link and outlines a methodology that generates insight into the layers of intimacy that help shape these social and political spaces.


8. Respondents narrate their identities to the gaze drawing on a kinship narrative that is heteronormative, in that their origins are imagined in hegemonic discourse through heteronormative ideas of “man” and “woman.”


9. I begin by navigating the natural landscape, illustrating how Shawneetown’s flood-ravaged landscape implicates (my) queer identity—as both a lens for reading queer sexuality and as a metaphor for queer loss.


10. Green criminology has drawn attention to the widespread forms of green victimization. However, green criminology has neglected female victims of green crimes, and area to which feminist criminologists can contribute.


11. It is argued that queer theory can enable accounting scholars to disrupt heteronormativity, destabilise essentialist notions sexuality as fixed properties of individuals and thus advance the study of sexuality within accounting beyond topics such as sexual harassment.


12. Starting from a position of reflection, where my performing body is seen as an archive of personal histories, memories, movements, techniques, as well as social and cultural phenomena, I mobilise the term ‘mesearch’ to disseminate the process of my creative inquiry.


13. Despite the articulated freedom to practise pubic hair removal, any freedom from participating in this practice appeared limited, rendering the suggestion that it is just a “choice” problematic.


El lector astuto observará que la 4 carece de enlace. Esto es porque es la inventada por mí. Repasando los comentarios, debemos dar la enhorabuena a Eva, un anónimo, admin, Luis y Karl Mill por acertar. Los otros 20 que se atrevieron a adivinar, sigan jugando.
